@flancian okay, let me make this really fucking clear. The internet was supposed to be a space where EVERYONE can voice their opinions. Even ones that make you uncomfortable, annoy you or even offend you. Why? Because that's very very important for a functioning society.
You don't like that, you don't want that.
Why? Because you won't get to exert your stupid control over everything and control their mindset.
I'm a gay man, I'm okay with violently homophobic and bigoted opinions because guess what, it's better than believing like everyone is 100% okay with my existences.
@graf normalize bullying games journos, to tears even
@rasterman radfems are worse than monsters — monsters have the potential to be hot @TheMadPirate @LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz @EmmaFaber
@rasterman I always read her posts like "and here's why dudes rock" @TheMadPirate @LukeAlmighty @EmmaFaber
@ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz known for his secret gas attack and the holocauster @KoopaTV @rasterman @TheMadPirate
Frequently Drunk Homosexual Male. Fanfiction slut. Manly gay couple enjoyer. Super bigoted guy. Certified big guy™. Male supremacist. Kinda funny some days.