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Sir you're not supposed to BEGIN with the most unhinged point of your video essay.

I'm not entirely sure what Japan is doing, but they're sure doing it.

I feel like ever autist has at least a mild interest in trains or mass transit. Don't ask me to explain, but I've got incredibly fucking detailed directions around the utter fuckery that is some subway stations in Europe by some guy who knows the Moscow Metro based on maps and camera footage.

"Wait but if you're pressed for time you want to take..."
"Are you a fucking wizard Vova?"

"Hey guys, I made a kitty guy using AI"
Left: "NOOOOO! Not AI! You're literally killing art!"
Not left: oh this would make an amazing reference image.

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I have yet to see an artist vehemently railing against AI art that doesn't have a crock of lefty nonsense in their bio

- pronouns
- Ukrainian flag or equivalent
- BLM/antifa

Meanwhile most artists I know who aren't whackadoodle leftists are fascinated by AI stuff

>lightning strikes a statue with lightning rods on it
>christians claiming it's God.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.