
I feel like ever autist has at least a mild interest in trains or mass transit. Don't ask me to explain, but I've got incredibly fucking detailed directions around the utter fuckery that is some subway stations in Europe by some guy who knows the Moscow Metro based on maps and camera footage.

"Wait but if you're pressed for time you want to take..."
"Are you a fucking wizard Vova?"

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@picandor Have you considered that maybe trains are just fucking cool and normies are too uncultured to appreciate them?
@picandor i mean, aren't you gonna take advantage of using subways to get anywhere quickly, and preferably spending as little money as possible?
i have learned that buses in moscow are free as long as the controller ain't on board, which they are usually only in mornings

Autist here.
Trains are... a great peace of technology.

That's it.

@picandor this is how I know I'm not autistic. I don't like trains or dragons.

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