Mobile Linux distro Droidian has been updated to version 100. This update upgraded Phosh, GTK, Firefox, replaces the stock keyboard, and more. Droidian is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian for mobile devices using technologies such as libhybris and Halium. Droidian has an installer that is based on the Ubuntu Touch Installer. So far the OS runs on seven devices officially with community support for three more. If you're looking for a more privacy friendly OS than Android or iOS Droidian may be an option for you.
The main website for the project is here:
The release notes for this release can be found on Github:
The source code is available on Github:
The installer can be found here:
A List of devices supported can be found here:
The droidian team has a presence on Matrix, Mastodon, and Lemmy: droidian
If you wish to help the project financially you can donate to their Open Collective or directly to several team members on Github: