
I went over how easy it was to enable Full disk encryption on the FLX1 recently, so today I'm going to go over how to change the FDE password on a Librem 5 which uses PureOS. The Librem 5 comes preinstalled with FDE, at least mine did. The default password is on the bottom right square of the quick start guide, mine was "123456". To change this you just open the Gnome Disk Utility (also known as "Disks"), Tap the 31GB Disk, tap Partition 2, tap the gear in the bottom left, tap change passphrase, enter current password, enter new password, confirm new password, tap change password, then reboot the phone. Many mobile Linux options lack FDE outright and those that have it can make it difficult to setup. PureOS on my Librem 5 not only has it but it is very easy to change which is good because keeping a known default password is a terrible idea.

So a easy quick breakdown of the steps above is:

disks>select partition>gear>change passphrase>enter current>enter new>confirm>change>reboot

i just tried on #pmos which went well until setting the new password requires sudo rights, but cant open gnome-disks with doas:

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