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Forget the wait. Check out Purism products available to ship within 10 days: Librem Mini, Librem 14, Librem Key at

I've been analyzing and reverse engineering harddrive firmware recently. I haven't had enough samples yet for a good scope of research. The firmware update utilities for HDDs have usually been very well thought out and implemented. Updates for a SSD's firmware can be easy or not worth the trouble.

I haven't had time to document the work due to two SSDs that have been troublesome. The SSDs are the same brand with the same MCU. When they were new, they were tested and grouped in the Pre Fail category. From a cold boot the recorded temperature of the SSDs was 100C.

Hopefully I will have something better in the near future. Remember to make backups.

I managed to recover my workstation and my files. Control + Alt + F3 on GNU/LINUX to get out of the gui. Log in and use the package manager. I haven't had a problem that did not fix. It even brought back a LUKS volume when the update failed. It took a week but I still have a picture of that event.

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FOSS space trading game "Naikari" has been updated to version 0.2.1. This update fixes an issue that was causing the game to not launch under Windows. It is a fork of the 2D space shooter "Naev". The code is licensed using GPLv3.0.

You can donate to support their games and engine at Liberapay and Patreon if you wish.​

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president

Also had a try at adding fog, but it turns out that EEVEE only does volumetrics for the entire AABB/bounding box rather than within the mesh's... you know... volume

Which do you prefer?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.