@J @jasonl8446 being allowed to be an asshole is freespeech too. But youd better learn how to set up an instance yourself if you care about being able to be that


I disagree. Free speech by definition only protects one's expression of opinion. It does not, however, protect how you express that opinion, nor does it protect non-opinion assertions.

For example it does not protect lies.

It does not protect hate speech

It does not protect calls to action

It does not protect inciting violence.

@J @jasonl8446


@freemo @igeljaeger @J @jasonl8446@neckbeard.xyz

Where did you hear this? Lying and hate speech is covered under the first amendment.

The only cases where they aren't is when they cause tangible harm to others (lying about somebody causes others to attack them, or damages their reputation so they can't get a job, or hate speech that inspires others to commit real-life harassment).

And most non-violent calls to action should be okay, too.

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