Switching my avatar to raise awareness for some stuff that rapper is doing for his merch line, .

In light of and the lack of available masks, is creating cheap, $15, FDA-approved masks and using the proceeds to help fight the invisible enemy.

The masks are currently on sale for $10, you can buy them here: native.supply/products/hga-fac

@realcaseyrollins HGA means something very specific to me so when I saw it here it confused the hell out of me for a second :)

@freemo Oh what does it mean for you? In the community it means "His Glory Alone". A slight alteration of the English translation of "Soli Deo Gloria".


It is a term used in the Occult Magickal community to refer to the emanation of ones soul in its true form.. your "true self" in its rarified form. It stands for "Holy Guardian Angel" but does not really mean Guardian Angel in the christian or modern sense. It is an autonomous part of your own self, not external to you, and while it may seem to have its own will according to magickal practitioners it is really just a manifestation of your true self, your own spirit.

@realcaseyrollins Could be creepy to some I guess.

It has roots in christianity. In fact it is called Occult Christianity and forms of it were even taught in catholic schools back in the day.

For many its no more creepy than the idea of an angel :)

@freemo That's interesting. I'm not familiar with Occult Christianity, but that sounds a bit odd, considering that use of the occult is prohibited in the Bible.

I must say this reminds me a lil bit of what the Gnostics were teaching in the New Testament.

@realcaseyrollins Well technically witchcraft is prohibited in the bible. But the thing is, biblical teaching is itself pretty much witchcraft.

praying for god to heal your grandfather as you repetitively repeat the same prayer over and over again as you touch the beads on the rosary, or an exorcism where spells in latin are cast to compel a demon to leave someones body.. These are all about as "witchcraft" like as you can get honestly.

So where is the line, what really is the "bad" witchcraft vs the good christian sort of witchcraft?

@realcaseyrollins @freemo the bible condemns the occult but only reveals its true secrets within parables and faith.
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