
@Meeper @verge Blatantly lie about the act on the podcast, saying it's a censorship bill instead of the truth, which is that it bans all encryption

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@realcaseyrollins @verge banning encryption is possibly the most stupidest thing you can say…

@realcaseyrollins @verge And here Aaron’s Law fails to pass apparently because larry ellison is being greedy again

@realcaseyrollins @verge

Idk I read all this when I used reddit though, but they said that australia went the way of “kinda facism but, for le security”

Yes, to put it politely, when it comes to #digitalFreedom, #Australia is fu$ked.

All our browsing history for two years is stored, including the base stations you connect to, on your journeys etc.

Thankfully the #clearnet is dying, and #Tor and #i2p are taking over.

@realcaseyrollins @verge

@dsfgs @realcaseyrollins @verge how do you succeed to elect twats that don’t know basic maths?

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