I think I'm done with instances in general.

I'll stay on the ones I'm at but currently looking for more instances, preferably ones running or with plans to implement it in the near future.

So long story short I got kicked off of mstdn.social for not liking and being "alt right" (lol)

This is a key part of what's incentivizing me distancing myself from and refusing to join any new ones. The culture of these instances in general is too toxic and intolerant to accept diverse opinions, even when expressed respectfully. (Note that nothing listed in the notice breaks the rules of mstdn.social, and furthermore the "alt-right" claim isn't backed up by listing any stances of mine that could be deemed alt-right.)

So for everyone who was following me at @realcaseyrollins@mstdn.social, it's been a good run, but I'm moving on. @realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me will be my new SFW main, and @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world will be my new SFW alt.

It'll take me a bit to get things up and running on the SFW alt, but we will soon be back in business. No love lost, stux and the users are still nice, amiable people and I hope to continue communicating with the same users in the future.


@realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins @realcaseyrollins
And for another thing, the whole "BlackLivesMatter" advocacy is a farce.
The rich people that advocate for that kind of stuff aren't practicioners of their own advice.
How many rich people do you know who approve of interracial marriages or approve of black people moving in to their neighbourhoods?

@camedei456 @realcaseyrollins@kafuka.me @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world

...supporting marriages...lol you know that BLM is anti marriage right? 😜

But in all seriousness it's very much an arrogance thing, I think. It comes a lot with rich people but opposition to interracial marriage is a problem in rural white communities too, regardless of income

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