Aaaand THIS is why @LemmyDev's hard coded censorship rules are stupid. Can't post a link to a current event story in the news. smh

@Korsier @LemmyDev The only other ones are either far right or themed.

Maybe I will. But I'd prefer to wait til a more neutral instance comes around. I could join the alt-right instance, but it was freaking tiring, what I did at was pretty mentally exhausting and time consuming and the only reason I could do it was cuz I was a single homeschooled dude at the time...arguing with racists isn't something i relish anymore

@realcaseyrollins @LemmyDev I'm of the view that the extremes of left and right are just as bad as each other in terms of preaching hatred and intolerance, but it is better to let bad ideas die in the light than fester in the dark.

@Korsier @LemmyDev @realcaseyrollins You can't both-sides that. Left-wing extremists don't hate on the basis of factors out of someone's control (race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation), they're intolerant of the intolerant. How can you say hater haters are "just as bad" as those who hate natural characteristics outside of someone's control?

@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @LemmyDev @realcaseyrollins The left hates anyone who disagrees with or even questions their ideology, and their ideology is deeply rooted in race, gender, sexual orientation (i.e. intersectionality). I believe in the conservative idea of judging people based on their character because we're all a minority of one.

@Korsier @realcaseyrollins @LemmyDev it's a perversion to take the liberal value of equal rights and income equality & create that reverse racism straw man, particularly at a time when income equality is still unachieved and blacks are twice as likely to fall victim to police brutality and even more disproportionately incarcerated.

@LemmyDev @realcaseyrollins @Korsier the idea of trusting people to judge others "based on their character" has failed, and conservatives have no remedial plan to correct that failure. Crying "reverse racism" clutches at straws to preserve a broken status quo. Of course the only real racists are those defending the status quo by calling their opposition what they themselves are guilty of.


@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @LemmyDev @Korsier Oh I see. I'm a fan of fairness, not materialistic equality. We have different goals.

@realcaseyrollins @Korsier @LemmyDev fairness and income equality are not at odds -- these are mutually inclusive goals for liberals.

@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @Korsier @LemmyDev Is it fair for everyone to make exactly the same income and have exactly the same amount of property when not everyone performs work of the same value? Is "reverse racism" (more properly defined as politically correct racism) against white people fair? Is hiring people based on skin color, not skill, fair? 🤔

I'm sorry, I just don't think discrimination is fair, friend. I think fairness comes when we * stop * discriminating against our fellow man.

@realcaseyrollins @LemmyDev @Korsier whether you control for equality of job and qualifications or not, there's a gender pay gap either way.

@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @realcaseyrollins @LemmyDev if you pay everyone the same then what is the incentive to innovate or do hard work? No society has ever had equality anyway because we're not equal in interests or abilities.

@Korsier @LemmyDev @realcaseyrollins Europe and most developed countries are performing far better than the US on income equality, and yet they don't have a problem with innovation or motivating people to work. In fact the few countries that have higher income inequality than the US are mostly 3rd worlds that have an innovation deficiency.

@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @LemmyDev @realcaseyrollins European and OECD countries are more likely to have minimum wage laws. They still have income inequality. Those two things are in no way mutually exclusive. There's no way an IT professional and a cashier are making the same coin. The trade off paid for higher minimum wages is lower job opportunity, especially for those towards the bottom of the market (ie. It's harder to get a job).

@Korsier @realcaseyrollins @LemmyDev it's a false dichotomy to suggest that having income equality is binary. It's a question of how much disparity is there. The US shows an extreme amount of income inequality compared to Denmark.

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