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And just as you've been hearing for years on the No Agenda Show, Fox News is a Democrat operation at its heart. Just like the media at large.

@mewmew @realcaseyrollins Having family in Oklahoma, the best way I can describe Oklahoma is neither left nor right just ... just a fucking mess.


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@realcaseyrollins the guy who brought a snowball to the senate floor to disprove global warming.

senator from Oklahoma.
he could perform an abortion on live TV and announce that he now worships Satan and he'd probably still win 70% of the vote there
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25 debates, jeez

I would love to see Inhofe lose his seat but I doubt he would screw up that badly even if he agreed to it

seriously though, what an awful senator

Me: * opens fridge *

Me: Ooh, this looks like half a whole fish!

Me: * bites fish *

Me: Ew, why are there bones in it????

Feminism & Disney Films Hot take 

@realcaseyrollins hot like the iced coffee i want right now.

@realcaseyrollins It's a good word. We hear a lot of sophistry from the left these days. Stuff that sounds like it might be right until you analyse it and realise it isn't.

Feminism & Disney Films Hot take 

Feminists hate Disney princess stories, not because they are misogynistic, but because they are heteronormative.

RT @TheFirstonTV
Someone painted a "Baby Lives Matter" outside of a Planned Parenthood office.

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