: doesn't mean , it means reallocate police funding.

: , do you want to reallocate police funding?

: Yes.

: says he wants to

: No he didn't, you idiot, he says he wants to reallocate police funding!

Okay there was a massive explosion and possible bombing, here's what the American is talking about:

: Millions brace for dangerous conditions as tropical storm moves up east coast

: Northeast seeing heavy rain, high winds from

: makes false claims about testing, death rates

and propaganda form is the equivalent of that one Avatar: The Last Airbender propaganda meme

"Everything changes after the Avatar attacked"

All the channels are selling something

and are selling conspiracy and anger.

is selling fear.

To anyone who for some reason still believes narratives:

They told you that the violence is tampering down, right? That the violence is dissipating?

Why are there more shootings from protestors than before they told you that? Why are more people getting run over than before they told you that? Why is there more civilian-on-civilian violence before they told you that?


This is an dream come true

Everybody's inside, and watching TV, they get to set the narrative for the nation.

Rioters: * fire rockets at people *

Literal News Segment: The loud noise makes it hard for the neighbors to fall asleep

: The people hate you cuz their skin color is different than yours. Live in fear! Hate them, even. They are the enemy, unless they say otherwise. Their silence is violence, and privilege to boot.

Also : Geez man, why is there such a race issue in America? Must be 's fault.

People don't understand, , not the government, controls the populace and holds all the cards

Any news channel could have anyone assassinated in a day and get away with it too

LOL I love how people are like " is selectively edited" and then they go watch the smh

I think watching the when I was younger was fine, but as I grew older I needed something more informational and intellectual.

and speak on very low-IQ, childlike and pseudointellectual terms.

The makes me shake my head and remember why I watch livestreams for this coverage

Host: Who is the person leading the African Americans? In past years, we've had and , who do we have now?

: But Orange Man Bad

: We shouldn't open businesses, workers are afraid to come into the office because of the

Meanwhile in ...

Eyeing news coverage from and looks like stuff is dying down? At least compared to this time last night. It's nice to see.

It's possible that the is lying about how violent things are, but I don't think they would do that.

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