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My brain never shuts up. It's either songs I heard recently, or heard a long time ago that I can't remember. Shut up

Goodnight fedi! :ablobgoodnight:

I got caught up playing games again :blobderpsad:

So… Off to sleep immediately! :ablobsleep:

Love ya! :blobsnuggle:

Except for @ProfWorr who stood me up on jitsi, he smells. :blobglare:

can you add aliases to dmenu/jf-dmenu-desktop
i want gimp to show under gimp instead of only as 'GNU Image Manipulation Program'
> In Goncharov's Oblomov, for example, the title character spends the first hundred pages just getting out of bed

TWKN is like watching a bunch of parallel universes slide by, if I had to describe it

Deleting my account soon if you want to contact me l'm at

Just going to reset my password to something random

don’t wanna speak too soon but I might have been ejected from a hellthread.

but the thing is.
taxes are to pay services.
but how are we know that the services that deserve the money are actually getting the money.(we simply don't)

the incentive is simple.
you don't fund the services and they don't serve.
this wait services that are actually needed at the time will get the funs.
and if they need more funds than they can do what everyone else does.

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