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What we're witnessing rn is a tame version of the Red Summer, but for white people

It's so strange being this ignorant of recent current events (I haven't really checked the news for like two days)

Is this what being a normie feels like??

>Trump plan raised the possibility that 11 Arab border towns, part of Israel's 21% Arab minority, become relocated [moved to] a future Palestinian state
wow this doesn't at all sound like actual literal apartheid

elon musk finally gets to mars but then the UAC facility gets attacked by demons and he only has a chainsaw

What should be done about law enforcement?

@realcaseyrollins @freemo @a7
That's close enough to LA.

Looks like Nick Hanauer's pitchforks have come ... for the very company that catapulted him into the caste of bazillionaires.

@dsfgs Healthcare does not have to be tied to an employer. There are federal and state run healthcare programs for low income citizens.

Obama changed the U.S healthcare system making it mandatory for a job to provide healthcare to an employee that works over 39 hours a week. Corporations found a work around by limiting work hours and hiring subcontractors, so they do not have to pay healthcare to workers. Subcontractor pay for their own insurance. Amazon is an exception because they pay for their workers' healthcare even if they work below 40 hours a week.

Burning down one of the few passable options a person has before offering a decent alternative is not a good idea. Multicorps propped by government funds will build somewhere outside of the city and find workers who will accept their conditions, but what about the communities they left?

@realcaseyrollins @blight
@djsumdog @a7 @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 It was a hit job by Target—retribution against Bezos over having his WaPo lackeys loot their store.

@djsumdog @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 ya but it matches arson from a month before, not a blm or riot thing from their current wild guesses

@a7 @realcaseyrollins @crunklord420 No fire alarms, no sprinklers. Someone knew what they were fucking doing.

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