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So far no good mail app or whatscrapp for Ubuntu Touch #PinePhone

@realcaseyrollins Well there is that guy making videos of him trashing the Garrett Foster memorial which IMO is even worse

@realcaseyrollins Nah it’s not using the code it’s pretending like it’s really Gab code. @jasonl8446 @lain @shpuld

"I think for myself" said the young adult before using stories to post "don't say this, instead say that" messages

@shpuld first they came for the gab blocks, but i wasn't a gab block so i stayed silent
i'll never get used to these baseless accusations. 'husky the nazi fork of tusky'.
@realcaseyrollins @icedquinn @11112011 Remember: Orange man bad! Blue Lobster good! Vote for Lobster 2020!

@Locksmith @realcaseyrollins Some portion of the grey people are already infected today; they just haven’t been tested. That’s what I’m talking about. Not any increase in the percent infected. If you made the blue even bigger than that, then yeah we might start developing herd immunity, until the highly mutagenic virus mutates.

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