
TFW your hosting provider has a discord server with a politics channel and everyone in there is based

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Link if you want to check it out
Also, you can access the Discord server through IRC irc://

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @coolboymew
Imperfections are important.That's why shit like scars can be sexy or certain "imperfect" personalities. Some people like a small mole on breasts, face, etc.
The imperfections are what make people perfect.

@sjw @coolboymew when you give an animu imperfections, you don't make them more interesting. you downgrade them to the level of 3dpd.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @coolboymew The girls in KonoSuba were written to have unlikable personalities. Yet, it had the opposite effect.

@sjw @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad depends, I consider a certain disgusting pig and a useless goddess extremely unlikeable

@sjw I never looked at it, but I know some of the mods are based

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