Watashi datte Centaur nan Dakara ne! | Well, I'm a Centaur, Too, You Know!


@waifu @MikeRoth72 @lapin @SNEK @Loki @graf @sjw@bae.st @matrix
I've never really been into centaurs buuuuut....

@sjw @waifu @MikeRoth72 @SNEK @Loki @graf @sjw @matrix ehh never really into this, regardless of whether she’s got good armpits or not :vajra_smug:

@sjw @lapin @Loki @sjw @MikeRoth72 @matrix @SNEK @waifu not agreeing with him but what is wholesome about a manga about a centaur that you have sexualized
@sjw @Loki @sjw @MikeRoth72 @matrix @SNEK @lapin @waifu no just like most people in this thread. I'm just commenting that you sexualized it in the same post then wondered why someone replied the way they did
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