>"but Yasuke was real--"
i don't care
not after they made Anne Boleyn black, not after they made Cleopatra black because someone's grandmother said so
you can't exactly fight government-sponsored misinformation with the truth, so for all intents and purposes Yasuke was either the whitest samurai the world has ever seen with pearly white skin; or he was 300% Japanese (pearly white skin optional)

And they still made him into a black buscule but no brain stereotype...

He cannot even climb walls.


@LukeAlmighty I heard a rumor that Black Myth: Wukong devs were threatened by Sweet Baby Inc to pay them 7mil dollars for their "services" or else they would ruin the game's reputation online
wonder what exactly sweet baby wanted to do with the game named like this and featuring the Monkey King himself

@tomie @LukeAlmighty they want to make sure you incluide women and gay characters
@tomie @LukeAlmighty and fat people because we need representation. not like we didnt all play as a blue hedgehog and think tahts fine with zero representation

@dick @LukeAlmighty they don't want to make sure devs include women; they want to make sure women are replaced with gender-neutral flat fat-assed blobs

@tomie @LukeAlmighty all because wee need representation wich nobody cared about in old games wen we played as nothign human watsoever
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