
I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

first of all, it should be made illegal to use Holding Out For a Hero in movies: I don't care how great this song is, you won't outperform Shrek 2, don't even try
all non-n*ntendo licensed music in this movie was cringeworthy
second, they just had to go and yassify Peach 💀 come on, she's a princess! even if she's an action girl (that is trve), she has class, and she is polite, and she is cute and charming: none of that can be applied to the movie!Peach
maybe if I was five, this would've been literally The Best Movie Ever, at least I remember wanting to see a Mario cartoon or a movie like this
if gen alpha kids liked (or even saw) this movie, I am glad for them, there has been a severe shortage of heartfelt cartoons with big budget

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@tomie i haven't seen it yet, it seems like a fun movie that kids will really enjoy. i miss mario actually sounding like mario, and peach being more on the girlboss side is kinda cringe. at least from what i've seen/heard though it doesn't lean it to it so much that it's like, propaganda or whatever.

it's probably going to be better than whatever the "live action zelda" movie ends up being.

what i'm really interested in seeing is sonic 3 at the end of the year 👀

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy haha, I can't wait to see how they'll fuck up Sonic this time: they won't have the balls to show a little girl shot on-screen
honestly, Peach is more of a 90's girlboss, and her main motivation is taking care of her silly but caring subordinates and she clearly loves them dearly, so again, cringe but less toxic than it could've been
for a kid who's a Mario fan this probably is, indeed, The Best Movie Ever; but even if a kid has never played the game, they could enjoy it
it's kind and made with big love and respect for the original games; it really gets criticized too much in my opinion and for wrong things, but yet again criticizing a kids movie for being a kids movie is dumb

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@tomie my level of appreciation for the scene is going to depend on how "on-screen" it is. obviously they can't show maria being riddled with bullets. if she's off-screen while being fired at and it cuts with the shot, or even right before the shot, that would be perfect. if she just sort of dies completely off camera and the only way we know is because shadow is sad or something, then that'll be unfortunate.

they probably deliberated on how to do the scene for a while. i don't think you can really have shadow the hedgehog without that since it is a driving point of his character. without it, he's just edgehog for no reason.

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy his flashback in his own game is pretty much the sweet spot, but again in Japanese voiceover only, because when camera cuts off he screams like his soul left the body that second; and in English it was just some gay :npc: non-exclamation
I also kinda sorta liked the Sonic X version where everyone had remembered the thing in their own way, which is how it exactly works IRL, too

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@tomie looking at all the different versions, if i had to pick one of them i'd do the sonic x version. even the 4kids dub seems to be alright where there's no gun fire but still heavily implied she was shot. the shadow the hedgehog one is good too. the one from sa2 is just way too cheesy, i can't ever get over the horrible lip syncing and audio timing xD

if shadow is in the pod and sees a soldier rushing in on maria, who smiles right before pulling the lever even though a gun is pointed at her, and shadow doesn't get to see the death and neither do we, i think that's enough to imply she's dead to older kids and adults but not enough to freak out younger kids.

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy honestly, the younger kids should get freaked out, at least one movie or cartoon related childhood trauma is a requirement for a well-adjusted adult
although I was a scaredy cat as a kid and as a result refused to re-watch Beauty and the Beast because this thing scared me quite a lot for some reason, lmao

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@tomie for me, the beginning of nightmare before christmas, this scene specifically, scared the HELL out of me. idk why it was that specifically because the rest of the movie was just fine.

I've watched that Super Mario full feature cartoon 

@beardalaxy I think for me it also was just one scene, the one where Belle's dad encounters the Beast, but just that one scene was enough
also odd that I could rewatch Snow White no problem, although the scene where she runs through the forest is much scarier

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