
one of more evil aspects of the cyberpunk we currently live in is total encouragement of monetizing literally everything: monetize your hobby, monetize your cooking, monetize your eating, monetize yourself being annoying and pissing people off, monetize your children and cats! you don't monetize? - well you're just being unproductive and wasting time then :/
surely you're able to remember one or two internet personas who are literally killing themselves for clout and money

Absolutely 100% agree.
Especially with dumb shit like cosplay. If you meet a person who monetized their hobby, you can no longer tell, where their hobby ends, and marketing for selling shit begins.

This is how I know, I feel rich. Because outside of my job, I don't fucking care to monetize my time.

@LukeAlmighty and of course nobody talks about literal millions who tried and failed and ended up only worse, because they never do in the same way they don't talk about the necessity of having rich parents in order to be a garage startup turned billionaire


Remember... the market is a tool not a god.

@tomie maybe monetizing mass murder and assassinations is what is truly productive.

Also, I forgot to mention this.
Both sexes have ruined communication so much that they are actually looking for paid alternatives.

Guys are so fucking desperate to be acknowledged as humans, that they will pay only fans girls to talk to them. Yeah, let's laugh... but the women then take the money and go to a therapist to talk about their issues instead.

That is my favorite example of peak capitalism.

@LukeAlmighty that's so cute, you compare women seeking professional help by looking the services of people literally educated to do that; and m*n just desperately attempting to buy women like literal property as they've been doing for literal millennia, and you complain about not being treated as human

@tomie Yes, a young woman does have the potential to solve the problem for the man. To theoretically form a connection. HUMAN connection. I know, that you don't understand what that is, and believe that a shrink can help you.

Well, I have some bad news for you. They cannot. They are in fact trained to NEVER offer an actual advice, since helping you also includes a risc of a woman blaming the shrink for not solving everything perfectly.

Also, cut the femminist crap and find yourself a bear to talk to if a thought of a man talking is so dehumanizing to you.

@LukeAlmighty uh, no they aren't trained to never offer help, source: knew shrinks-in-training personally
and you mentioned onlyfans yourself, nobody forced your hand there

@tomie without profit loss calculations, being able to actually economise becomes impossible due to the economic calculation problem. profits and losses give the information needed to allocate scarce resources to where they're most desired. that's why you're complaining right now, you're captivated by entertaining internet content designed to pull your heartstrings and keep you engaged. the solution is to log off. read:
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