odd that you can consent to punching two new holes in your body at 5 y/o and never regret it

@LukeAlmighty idk, sounds like a good time: you're old enough to be happy about it, too, while poor 2 y/os just cry

I just had to make sure, you were talking about the holes that I thought ;D

But I totally agree. It should be their choice. I absolutely don't understand, how can someone push their kid to suffer random pain at 3 months :angry_pepe:

At least, let them know the reason for the pain, and enjoy the benefits.


@LukeAlmighty tbh with modern technology this isn't even that painful, just probably really scary if you're too small
but I know girls who got earrings later in life but stopped wearing them, though

Don't forget, that meaning of the word "pain" changes insanely across you getting older.

@LukeAlmighty well yeah, when you get your periods, the rest of pains is pretty much cakewalk

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