I just saw a black tendril shoot out from the wall behind my stove :meru_concern: wtf is going on with this place?? I don't know if it's worse that it was actually there, or if it was me hallucinating...

My cheese has been becoming moldy super fast too and I don't know what's going on with that. Like it'll go moldy within a couple weeks. I had a package of cheese that went moldy before I even opened it.

I swear I'm not a dirty person. Have never had issues like this anywhere I've lived my entire life. I think we had rats back when I was a kid and we lived in a rural area but that's it. The bugs and some of this other shit have given me paranoia so bad I can't sleep sometimes.

I wonder if it's something with my dumbass messy roommate.... :meru_concern: can't wait to get out of here.


@beardalaxy if a place is infected with mold spores, it's infected with spores
wiping the fridge insides (or where you keep your cheese) with vinegar might help

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