
got recommended yet another 'dophamine detox' type of video and the retard there is talking about the downfall of not having extracurricular activities in college heavily implying that ppl are getting dopamine poisoned and becoming NEETs because they chose to spend their free time playing videogames instead of doing some unpaid internship 💀
the thought about college being hard and exhausting as is (plus being a scam) didn't even cross his head
i hate protestant work ethic preachers

The problem is, that while boomers can feel, that something is wrong, they do not understand, that they put literally all 3rd spaces behind a THICK paywall.

And I would be happy to talk to them about it, but they are way too deep into the "but muh phones are boiling their brains" escapism, that we both know it would be pointless.

BTW, the "extracurricular activities" are such a great example of them being just close enough, but still not getting it. It is almost a 3rd space, but...
1) It is literally behind a double paywall. Not only do you pay for university, but you will also get used to an activity, that will be behind an insane paywall once you are kicked off.

2) It is still an activity not only organized by the teacher, but also under their constant oversight.

This is a deadly combination, because it means, that once the school ends, you are literally not only cicked out of a current social group, but also left without all social infrastructure, that you depended on.

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