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I just learned that Germans have a cope word for not being able to afford hot water

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why the society even accepts "x' is bad because it looks like 'y" when entire point is that "x" isn't "y"

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>wake up
>wash my face
>brush my teeth
>go online
> "lolicons should be arrested!!1 :soyjak_seethe: "
day ruined
and then the same fucks keep argue for 30 years which 14 y/o anime girl they would rather fuck, but when you call them out, they begin to cry "that's completely different!1 :soyjak_seethe: "

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I think we do have a moral problem as a civilization nobody knows what they’re living for so it’s just better to die. Even if you’re a Christian you’re just waiting to die and go to heaven. How to find meaning in life itself is the difficulty. And no one can do that that’s why shit is falling apart.
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protecting your child from grooming online as a parent is mostly this easy: just do not fuck up the trust they put in you (the trust you have for free by default as a parent)
but nooo, first they choose to betray that trust by trading it for a few cheap giggles of far relatives by "I am going to tell you little Timmy's secret dream because I think it's worthless!" or by completely disrespecting the child's privacy and autonomy, and then they cry bitter tears "why, oh why my child would rather trust a literal rando online but not me"
well too bad Susan, you made this bed

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>give money to bullies/comply to bullies
>they ask for more
Total proprietary death my friends, it's the only way to get peace.
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sharing this in the event some of you instance admins haven't seen it. i checked ours, he's using the user agent string "unshortenit 0.4.0" and has been hammering at the rate of 5r/s since 01/Dec/2023:00 :28:46 +0000

ive blocked the user agent string and blackholed the ip. apparently this guy @Drand was given grant money to do this and is conducting himself in a malicious manner. perhaps some of that grant money should be given to instance operators

tomie boosted

you can commit crimes and shoot people in this game, and that's literally illegal 💀

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.