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I know this is really old but I found it to be hilarious as it truly is the self own of all self owns, never to be surpassed.

This conservative social media personality has never turned a woman on and his wife told him that being wet is a gynecological problem? “Oh honey, a wet p*ssy is actually a sign of disease.” 😂 Translation: Shapiro has never turned on a sexual partner and was so confused by WAP that he needed his wife to explain it, although she didn’t want to hurt his feelings so she made the excuse that it’s a sign of a disease. Good lord. 🙄

so the secret is no matter what fun activity you create on the internet, troons are going to ruin it with bots spamming stale copypasta

the only reason communism is impossible in our reality because it will end up with some jew sleazing himself into the higher positions and begging for money anyway

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Men, everywhere: “we require women who are 10s. You must be beautiful at all times, wear makeup, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, be my therapist, secretary, and oh, yeah, always be willing to have sex.”

Women: “ok, pass. I’m obviously not fit for a relationship with a man.”

Men: “No, no, not like that!”
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The only public holidays that are not Literal Communism, is Christmas, and Easter. GET BACK TO WORK!!!

i tried flux and I think this is the first time ever my GPU reached a borderline boiling point

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"The human Y chromosome is degenerating and may disappear in a few million years, leading to our extinction unless we evolve a new sex gene."

No the Y chromosome ACTUALLY HAS ZERO TO DO WITH BEING HUMAN because females exist entirely without it so it is everything to do with being a blood sucking parasite on a human host.. aka the female
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the audacity of jews online, crying about being oppressed by the system that literally bends and snaps in their favor, is perfectly displayed by their eagerness to just casually call you a goy and everything related to you as something goyish
I don't really remember the Chinese calling people in the English-speaking internet 'laowai' straight to their faces; don't remember Japanese casually going 'shut up and listen, gaijin'; even muslims somehow have the politeness to not call you a kaffir right off the bat
jews, however, are quick to establish a borderline combative wall of 'goy', or 'gentile', but the point is virtually unchanged

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@todayilearned Experiments in libertarian-ism

Meanwhile every experiment with UBI massively helps people

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Aeroperu Flight 603 crash (1996)

The most hillarious series of fuckups and misunderstandings leading to a leisurely descent into the ocean at night.

> maintenance team does a paintjob
> forgets to remove masking tape from sensors
> pilot does not notice
> night flight over the ocean
> sensor is erratic and then gets stuck at 9700 feet and 370 knots
> crew decides to return to airport
> throttle too low due to confusion
> backup (radar) altimeter starts going crazy with warnings
> crew asks tower for altitude
> tower is receiving altitude from the airplane and the controller does not know it
> trust the controller
> listen to "too low, terrain" for a few minutes
> do nothing
> bounce of the water and crash

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.