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>a retard makes a video where he cries about having to "share the same internet" with fandom culture
>uses sharty lingo

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@LukeAlmighty not sure of coincidence or just the modern clown world spying again, but I got a video about soyny controllers in my recs
speaking of drift, if you have a drifting joycon, WD-40 remedies it

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Loli a Word is now on Varis: @loliaword

Fortune Bot is now on Poast:

All of the anime picture bots will probably die with this November.

look, I am not saying that nikocado losing weight correlates with the advent of believable AI video, but I am saying it

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“The Jewish people deserve a homeland and a heritage and have a right to self defense.”

Ok, let’s say that’s true. Wouldn’t that also mean other people deserve homelands and heritages and have a right to self defense?

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“Cover yourself properly,” the aunties would say, their eyes sharp and serious.

“A good girl doesn’t tempt ‘wolves’”.
#writing #Desire

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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