
The Blade & Soul Vietnam and Thailand servers are shutting down, with very short notice! 😨

I wonder if all these players may migrate to the Taiwan or Western servers.

Many live service games and MMOs are getting their plugs pulled due to unsustainable P2W business models and mismanagement.

Well, I'm not from that region but seeing how badly the game is managed in the West region, I can see why it has shut it down. I speculate the Western servers are likely on the chopping block. Ever since my team and I got back 2 months ago, the game is still rapidly declining in quality as they can't even do weekly maintenance without delays or breaking something.

I've accepted a long time ago that I may not be able to see my boys in the game soon due to the bad shape of it. It's a game that is lost in every aspect. Only shutting it down and rebuilding it someday, hopefully under new management or publisher, can save it from the mess it has become. It's better off dead, honestly. The game is ancient and extremely exploitable due to how badly built it is.

Since everything is hackable and P2W with massive rng involved (slot machine, basically), you can see why this game is not worth to play for many. NCSoft only bother to keep the Korean version clean from hacks and updated accordingly but not the other regions, despite people supporting the game by paying into it. They don't have the decency to do basic up keeping on their product despite always pushing the cash shop.

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@veru it's gotta be really sad playing this game and putting so much time into it only for it to be totally pulled out from under you.

@beardalaxy It must be brutal for the players in that region and with such short notice. This is really sad to see. Though Garena is a shitty ass publisher and SEAfags are all poor. It must not have been making any money at all since the P2W across all regions has been ramping up with aggression. They're trying to see how much they can get away with.

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