My website still needs a unique background, so I have gotten an idea to draw Elegos in this outfit serving his best dish, spicy dumplings! 🥟 :3duohh: Will it look any good? Of course not! I suck at bodies! But I need to display my own art or else what is even the point of having a website?!

It will be good to try and get used to the mobile version of Clip Studio with this.

But I'm saving my energy because Elegos's doll shower is now! It takes me 4+ hours to wash him.

The new wigs I ordered should arrive this week and I still need to treat the new clothes I bought with Retayne to avoid staining the doll. I hope to post my new doll this week! 😤

@veru Ah ha! Now with this post I've finally put all the pisces together and figured out that your gender is really a lobster, check mate! :blobdetective:

Additionally good luck on the doll!

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