Same thing happened in Pawoo. Pretty sure you have to manually click to set follows to go to request. 🤔
@Jazzy_Butts BRUH. That's so weird. Thanks for the answer. I wonder if Baraag is also blocked from following? It's my favorite artist so that really sucks. I will try with my Baraag account.
I don't wanna make a bunch of accounts at different places just to follow. That defeats the purpose of Fedi lmao
@bitterblossom @Jazzy_Butts yup, sadly same thing happened in Baraag but at least I'm able to see his posts and I follow myself on there, so I can then see them on here that way. I can't view any of the posts from here. I will keep his profile open forever and boost his stuff. lol
@bitterblossom @veru Baraag works now but pending requests have to be unsent and then following will work
@bitterblossom @veru I mean it works from my end idk another instance
@veru Baraag was for a long time but not anymore, unfollow and refollow and pending baraag requests and they'll go through in a few seconds
@Jazzy_Butts It kinda works but also doesn't all the way. On my Baraag account, it says I'm following him now when I'm on his profile but he doesn't show up in my following tab or in my timeline.
@veru Our instance is blocked from following them without their approval, and many never bother to approve