
I was just made aware of this new report category that was added on Twitter/X.

The site is going full anti now and allowing people to report cartoons that look like "minors". Yup, Twatter is going to start asking for ID of your fictional characters and equating drawings to the crime of actual child abuse. This should be unsurprising to anyone but if you're an artist of lolisho works or even smaller characters in general, you should be extremely careful. Now any retard that doesn't like you can report. My suggestion is keep previews on Twatter if you still intend on using it but signal to people that the full version is available off-site.

The hell site has been on a downward spiral and becoming sanitized and boring now more than ever.

· · SubwayTooter · 6 · 9 · 12

@veru The writing was on the wall for a while now. The Loli Question always filters the wheat from the chaff in the end.

Couldn't have gotten hit at a better time, because it would have happened eventually had you remained.

@veru rip, I guess most people can't tell the difference between reality and a drawing.

@veru You know that many countries (including here in Germany) also the ownership, the creation and the distribution of virtual child porn can be persecuted? So, they are just keeping their users in these countries save from the danger of accidentally committing a crime.

@hinindil @veru Twitter should ban homosexuality and drug use, maybe also women showing too much skin.

@beardalaxy @veru On my instance, a loli ban is in place just because of this law (which I think is stupid (the law, not the ban)). I just don't want to accidentally commit a crime.

@hinindil @veru it's a problem with websites that try to cater to the entire world. They can't, there will inevitably be tons of law and culture mismatches. That's the retarded part.

@veru idk why any loli artists are still on Twitter, seriously. Not worth the trouble of getting banned every other week.

@Pawlicker @veru I mean, realistically only trashy people should be on Twitter

@beardalaxy The main reason is likely because Twatter was and still is very popular in Japan. This type of content is no issue there and shouldn't be overall for the site, as the company is American and we have no such retarded laws regarding drawings here, too. Despite the company being American, this hints at a last ditch effort to be as advertiser friendly as possible (*remember that Euros have actual laws regarding lolisho drawings, but allow sandniggers into their countries no problem to rape their teen girls regardless*) since Twatter makes no money, something that Elon has mentioned various times and why he got the "genius idea" to implement Twatter Blue. Under the guise of paying into the hell site to "keep it free speech", it's actually becoming more censorious each passing day and still desperate for advertiser money.

These JP artists have been posting without much issues (aside from annoying antis in replies) for years, building very large followings too, but as I also mentioned earlier this year on another one of these posts that many of them got banned in various waves despite having large followings. This is why there was a big influx of users signing up for Misskey and Baraag. This year was just truly the beginning of the end for those artists on the hell site.

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