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@beardalaxy darn 😢 Closest is the one with the Hitler moustachio.

@salutora He's a good boy! Praying for Umekichi's return home. 🙏

@salutora I'm so sorry that Umekichi is sick! 😢 It made me cry to see him like this. This breaks my heart as your daily pictures of Umekichi are something I always look forward to in my day for the years I have followed you. Dogs are angels and I wish they wouldn't get sick because they are so precious. I will pray that Umekichi will feel better. 🙏 Best wishes from across the ocean to Umekichi and yourself.

Which ugly bastard are you, frens? I'm the one with the piggy ears because he looks cute. :FeelsPissManL:

Earlier this year, I opened the (very rewarding) can of worms of setting up my own Misskey instance. Prior to that, I knew nothing about Linux, so it took me a very long time to look into everything. It was like putting together a puzzle... And my monko brain is NOT good at puzzles. :pepeDrool:

Misskey specific troubleshooting was especially tedious as there is very scarce documentation or discussion available in English. I ended up joining their Discord and thankfully got some help there for my specific hitches. It's all ran by volunteers. Some things I'm now able to recognize and try to help but other things are too advanced for me to understand.

The biggest piece of shit was actually setting up the proxy for the Bucket Storage for the media. I would say this is absolutely mandatory but there is no proper documentation on how to set up the proxy to the bucket for Misskey. Ended up finding some several posts but for Mastodon and somehow managed to adapt that to Misskey, as it works slightly differently.

It took like a whole day to get that shit to work and I pulled something out my ass to get FINALLY get it running, as I couldn't get the Ngnix configuration on the Docker image for Bucket Storage ( to support an SSL cert. Ended up proxying that container through my Nginx Proxy Manager Docker container. lmao
Unorthodox proxy in proxy but it works, so I don't care. :pepelol:

Everything is smooth sailing now (let's hope nothing breaks) and I'm having tons of fun with Misskey.

Posting my shortstack OC's "SFW" version reminds me of one of my absolute favorite furry memes.

@beardalaxy I want to marry Lucky Animal Crossing but the cowards won't let me. :sadgery:

i hope the next animal crossing has marriage that would be funny. i want to get even more attached to fake furry friends in a digital world. there have always been like urban legends that you could marry the villagers, probably because people played games like harvest moon and, since they're close to animal crossing, figured there must be a way.

"I am here, the fearsome and mighty Kraell! All here for you~" 😈 💖

Introducing my 142cm Aotume demon boy
♂️, Kraell!

A huge thank you to My Robot Doll for helping make my demon boy a reality!
🥹 Their service and expertise was invaluable in this process! They are truly angels in this industry!

#doll #凹凸咪 #aotume #aotumedoll #等身大ドール #ドール

Character reference of my pudgy #shortstack demon boy, Kraell!

This is the safe for work version.

Originally made to provide a tail reference to give to a furry artist to make in real life for Kraell's life size doll, I decided to just go all out!

My sassy (and overly possessive ​:classic:​) demon boy, Kraell, is coming next week! This is an ongoing huge doll project of mine since last year and I'm so happy to welcome him home at last! #凹凸咪 #aotume #aotumedoll #doll #等身大ドール

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.