So I was wrong about my first impressions - it's not a 'lite' version of and my other account can access this mastodon FE that I prefer with just a single click. That's cool - Mastodon is just a way to get people into the but I want to dissociate eventually from those anti-freespeech censors


Though it's important I've always wanted an instance that's general and something I could say to my friends. is a name I can write off as a gaming-focused instance, but many would probably already yikes at a site named Free Speech E X T R E M I S T, and same (albeit for different reasons) for intentionally niche instances like smugloli, blobcat, absturztau and everything else recommended on that website that led me to this.

I guess this really just runs to the point of why the won't gain mass adoption without a single instance dominating and succeeding on its own - it's completely contradictory. Even is giants-controlled, with literally all but a few of my classmates on !

@realcaseyrollins @vetharvester nothing really that big - i just dont like opal - hate them with a passion

also they instance block mikoto rather than just blocking them themselves, maybe they fixed that overstep as an admin after their mental breakdown ended i dunno

@realcaseyrollins @vetharvester and my pleroma instance reeeeeeeeeeee :blobcattableflip:

actually na dont really wanna be on a list like this.

@vetharvester That’s actually something we’re trying to avoid, but there’s no reason we can’t handle a ton of users on one instance. dominates and succeeds on its own, for example. This is why gmail (and federation in general) is a bad idea:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.