wuzzz boosted

@wuzzz baraag has defederated temporarily because of hardware limitations, basically this means baraag users can't be followed for now

Pixiv is cracking down on loli? What is this world coming too?

@beardalaxy @shoujoramuneframes @AnimeFeetBot @lolipropagandabot
thank you for the bots but i don't think they're what i'm looking for. Hopefully baraag will sort itself out fast

I need more people to follow, any suggestions?

wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted

I wish Lil Andy would make a dating sim with all his characters, something like Donha Donha but even something like Huniepop would work for me

wuzzz boosted

@okGaki2@pawoo.net definitely one of the hottest things i've ever seen!

Man, whys it so annoying to follow baraag accounts?

wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted
wuzzz boosted

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I fucking love lolis and shotas, fediverse has some of the best artist ever!

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