There is no such thing as "trusting the science." Rather, it is not a what but a who we place our trust in. Anyone who says "trust the science" actually means "trust the scientists," whether they know it or not.

And scientists are people like anyone else. Capable of biases, corruption, incompetence, and being incorrect. But the science worshipers do not understand this, they see "the science" as infallible.

Except people who say trust the science do not mean trust the scientist

They mean trust the news article written by a politically charged activist who maybe red a research paper that was released only because a politically charged company paid for a one-sided research by a scientist, who knew he won't get paid again, if he finds the opposite result...

So yeah.... I don't trust the science.


@LukeAlmighty @houseoftolstoy Modern "science" is just whatever government institution says is fact. Real science is supposed to be a free market of ideas, so to speak. While there is one objective truth, scientists are supposed to compete on who is right. This is the way it's been done for thousands of years, but now it's whatever suits government interests.

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