@ardaissad ah yeah, so what kind of anarchist thinkers are u influenced by?

@cee lysander spooner, Max stirner, Murray Rothbard, sometimes prodhoun

@ardaissad ah yeee, so kind of in the centre, centre-right? thats cool

yeah im friends with alotta different kinds of people, anyone who supports decentralisation really.
it's interesting, im friends with both ancaps and ancoms, but u start to see that every individual has kinda got their own philosophy going on.

@cee actually its just test but I'm ancap. Just I love this anarchist thinkers.

@ardaissad i know they are not the most accurate thing, cuz it still reckons im centre left but im defs more centre tbh, alongside with the egoists and anarchists without adjectives (AWA). I know @Alex is a cool egoist, then u got @lanodan who is AWA
@Andrii who is a distributist (kinda like mutualism lite)

theres @xianc78 who is a panarchist, then u got the ancap/vonluntarist squad like @icedquinn @shebang @waltercool @top @kerosene

i know @Indigo was an ancap that has read stirner.

@herag and @chillanarchist@liberdon.com who are agorists

then u got social anarchists like @0x520 and @vera
@maksimilian_stepniakov is an eco-nihilist
and @matthew is a libertarian marxist.

all these people are based in my books, and very kind too, love em all :blobgiggle:

@cee @icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Ancap and panarchism are basically the same thing. Any anarcho-capitalist would also be a Panarchist because voluntarily choosing your own government, political, and economic system is all consistent with anarcho-capitalist principles.

I personally think that Panarchism is a much better way to express anarcho-capitalism because it doesn't imply that the free-market capitalist system is the only economic system that could exist and it could get non-capitalists on our side.

@xianc78 The only real problem I see philosophically with AnCapistan is that humans always tend towards systems of control. I don't know if a true anarchist society could exist long. I think in Iceland they had an anarchist society that maybe lasted about 200 years, and that is a generous figure. Probably more like 100 years, all things considered.

@Andrii @matthew @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn

@herag no they can't. delet government :blobcatancap: has to be done in perpetuity, and people have proven they are literally incapable of eternal vigilance.

@xianc78 @Andrii @matthew @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang
Indigenous north americans managed to keep things largely free.

They had strong anti hoarding values. Also the chiefs were unable to coerce anyone, not even their own children. Punishment for crimes was a Euroasian invention. In North America they would simply pay reparations to the family who experienred loss.

@0x520 @Alex @Indigo @ardaissad @cee @herag @icedquinn @kerosene @lanodan @maksimilian_stepniakov @matthew @shebang @top @vera @waltercool

@Andrii It is similar with the Medieval, pre-Viking era of the Icelanders from what I have studied. I am very interested in these case studies of humanity, to be honest.

Practically, I keep my focus narrowed down to myself and my family, but on a macro scale... these are the things I need to study more.

@herag can check out "te dawn of everything" by Graeber and Wengrow they got a lot of the good liberty stuff
*debating eachother on economics*
o u guys... cute.
but, if comes down to it, i wont hesitate to slam everyone- left, right and centre.
nah jks, im not that mean.
@Andrii have u talked to @CryptoBlok yet?
theyre a libertarian who has gotten more into distrubitism

Also @lanodan @ardaissad
have u 2 read Kevin Carson before? He's an anarchist without adjectives and he's got some really good essays.

@icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @xianc78 @matthew @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @Indigo @top @Alex
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