@cee lysander spooner, Max stirner, Murray Rothbard, sometimes prodhoun
@cee @icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Ancap and panarchism are basically the same thing. Any anarcho-capitalist would also be a Panarchist because voluntarily choosing your own government, political, and economic system is all consistent with anarcho-capitalist principles.
I personally think that Panarchism is a much better way to express anarcho-capitalism because it doesn't imply that the free-market capitalist system is the only economic system that could exist and it could get non-capitalists on our side.
@herag Agorism is more of a strategy rather than an ideology. It was coined by Samuel Konkin III as a way to use black and gray markets to achieve free-market anarchism (not necessarily anarcho-capitalism) by starving the state of it's revenue and creating free-market alternatives to statist institutions.
I support the Agorist strategy but I don't practice it. I'm more of a fan of break-away societies like seasteading.
@xianc78 That is true. i tend to see agorism as something different now than it was when SEK3 started it. It has developed its own culture now and has become something of an ideology in itself, build around that framework/call-to-action.
@Andrii @matthew@helladoge.com @ardaissad @herag @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn And plutocracy requires a state.
@xianc78 The only real problem I see philosophically with AnCapistan is that humans always tend towards systems of control. I don't know if a true anarchist society could exist long. I think in Iceland they had an anarchist society that maybe lasted about 200 years, and that is a generous figure. Probably more like 100 years, all things considered.
@Andrii @matthew @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn
@Andrii It is similar with the Medieval, pre-Viking era of the Icelanders from what I have studied. I am very interested in these case studies of humanity, to be honest.
Practically, I keep my focus narrowed down to myself and my family, but on a macro scale... these are the things I need to study more.
@cee @icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @CryptoBlok @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex
>Kevin Carson
You mean the one who contributes to C4SS?
@xianc78 @cee @icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @matthew @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Panarchism and Voluntaryism aren’t kinda same? Or Panarchism is only related to economy?
While I don’t agree with communism/socialism/democracy, I think it’s fair for people to pick any economic system AS LONG NO ONE IS FORCED.
This also enforce my stance against Democracy. If 99.9% of people vote and decide for Communism / Socialism / Liberalism / Capitalism, is not acceptable to force those 0.1% individuals for something they don’t want.
@waltercool @icedquinn @herag @kerosene @shebang @cee @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Panarchism is the idea of voluntarily choosing your own government (or no government at all). It was coined by a Belgian botanist, Paul Émile de Puydt back in 1860 but remained relatively obscure due to the fact that he was not a political writer. In recent years, the ideology has been embraced by ancaps/voluntaryists because it's compatible with their principles.
@shebang @icedquinn @herag @kerosene @cee @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Choosing a government will give you benefits that you wouldn't get if you didn't choose said government (access to their schools, utilities, etc).
@shebang @icedquinn @herag @kerosene @cee @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex The only difference is that it's all voluntary. If you don't want to be govern and don't care about the benefits you can simply choose to have no government at all.
@shebang @icedquinn @herag @kerosene @cee @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex
People are expected to respect others ways of life via the NAP. Logically, Marxists-Leninists can't just take from non-marxists, but they can take from other marxists since they consent to that.
But realistically, I think the communists will just have communes where it's only them and I think the social democrats would do the same. So, yeah the communists would probably keep a distance from everywhere else. I see the capitalists (not necessarily ancaps) having different types of governments in the same space.
@Andrii @matthew@helladoge.com @herag @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn Well I haven't looked that much into Distributism. As long as there isn't a centralized state controlling these micropolities, then that would be fine. I might go with libertarian distributist or anarcho-distributist.
I kind of find it strange. Despite being raised Catholic, I've never heard about Distributism until recently. Most Catholics I know tend to be pro-capitalist but are more willing to work out of the kindness of their heart than for profit.
@Andrii @matthew@helladoge.com @herag @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn
If Distributism favors localism over nationalism and globalism, then I think you might be interested in the seasteading movement. It's mostly comprised of ancaps and other right-libertarians but it's meant for anyone to make their ideology a reality.
Distributists might be especially interested since seasteading can lead to self-sustainable communities.
@Andrii @matthew@helladoge.com @herag @ardaissad @Alex @Indigo @maksimilian_stepniakov @vera @0x520 @top @lanodan @kerosene @waltercool @cee @shebang @icedquinn Well, I wish you the best of luck.
@cee @icedquinn @herag @shebang @kerosene @vera @matthew@helladoge.com @0x520 @maksimilian_stepniakov @waltercool @ardaissad @lanodan @Indigo @top @Andrii @Alex Okay, I maybe confused some people. When people talk about Panarchism it usually refers to two related but separate things:
* Multiple legal providers competing in the same physical space, similar to Ancient Ireland or the Icelandic Commonwealth.
* Anarchists of all flavors creating voluntary communities based on their school of thought. Basically the same thing as anarchism without adjectives but also including Ancaps into the mix.
I think I fall into the latter category, but I'm not against people trying the former.
@xianc78 whereas the agorist just puffs his weed pipe and says, "Live yer life, bruh, and don't mess with me."