@ryo Some other fedi user mentioned it earlier, but it's really embarrassing that LibLeft Unix trannies are hosting shit on their own self hosted sites while many of the AuthRight and LibRight folks (the ones who actually get deplatformed by big tech) are using inferior, centralized (or fake decentralized) platforms that are cuckflared, hosted on AWS, and/or are relying on APIs from Big Tech like ReCaptcha or Google Analytics. And these freeze-peach platforms just end up cucking out eventually.

@xianc78 @ryo I can explain why: demographics.

The libleft types are younger. When there's younger authright/libright types or ones who either worked in the tech industry or grew up with tech, that's when stuff like poa.st or urbit pops up. But a lot are the grifters who do not know fuckall about anything and think if they pay a guy enough it'll magically happen.

@PhenomX6 @ryo That and as I mentioned earlier, the FOSS community and the *nix community already has that left-leaning culture to it. They probably got their politics from them.

Most of the younger (tech-literate) authright/libright probably grew up with Windows and were most likely either apolitical or centrists during their youth. They probably screwed around with programs like RPG Maker or Flash during middle school, maybe took a few web design and programming classes in high school, and either majored in IT, Computer Science, or Computer Engineering in college or got an IT certification (assuming they had a post high school education). They probably got more into politics during GamerGate, the 2016 elections, and similar events going on at that time. This was basically the case with me, at least.

Windows isn't much of a tinkering OS compared to the many Unix-like operating systems, so they aren't as tech-savvy as the Unix trannies. They probably never bothered messing around with server-shit outside of gaming servers and any webdev experience was probably done on some shared-host. So when they finally start making some freeze-peach site, they just slapped some PHP code together and host it on AWS. That or they pay some free-lancer soydev to do it or just use some existing software out there while poorly maintaining it.

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@xianc78 @PhenomX6
> they just slapped some PHP code together and host it on AWS
With some bloated framework, because they don't even know how to make PHP code the right way.
And then the developers of that framework quit, and all hell breaks loose for them...
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