@ryo Some other fedi user mentioned it earlier, but it's really embarrassing that LibLeft Unix trannies are hosting shit on their own self hosted sites while many of the AuthRight and LibRight folks (the ones who actually get deplatformed by big tech) are using inferior, centralized (or fake decentralized) platforms that are cuckflared, hosted on AWS, and/or are relying on APIs from Big Tech like ReCaptcha or Google Analytics. And these freeze-peach platforms just end up cucking out eventually.

@xianc78 @ryo My read is that the right leaning folks only take up tech matters out of necessity (from being banned constantly) rather than from an innate interest in tech. The UNIX trannies, with their hilariously typically hyper-masculine brains, of course have spent years tinkering in software so none of this is surprising to me.

@wrongthink @xianc78 Oh right, one thing I forgot is that the UNIX trannies use things like (usually self-hosted) XMPP servers to communicate with each other, while the right leaning folks are using things like Telegram.

Which is why I'm so lonely in chat rooms...

Also, most of the right leaning folks tend to be boomers, while the left leaning folks are typically millenials.
Millenials grew up with tech, have seen tech evolve as they grew up.
Boomers on the other hand generally tend to refuse to understand tech, so of course the left is going to spend years tinkering in software.

@ryo @wrongthink Telegram is especially egregious because I've heard that many agorists are doing counter-economic trading on there of all places. I better hope that these people signed up using burner phones because God knows if Telegram will start reporting shit to the IRS (or their nation's equivalent).

>Also, most of the right leaning folks tend to be boomers, while the left leaning folks are typically millenials.
Well, I have no sympathy for the boomercons and MAGAtards. They keep on falling for shitty scams but they never learn. They only hear about these alt-tech platforms because their favorite AM radio host mentions it (the talk show host my conservative dad listens to constantly shills Rumble as THE free speech platform), but I expect more from the younger "dissident right" crowd, but it seems like they don't know much about tech outside of video production and building/upgrading gaming PCs. The closest thing to self-hosting they could ever do is run a Minecraft server.

@xianc78 @ryo >but I expect more from the younger “dissident right” crowd, but it seems like they don’t know much about tech outside of video production and building/upgrading gaming PCs.

I have a whole rant on PC gamer hypocrisy. I really should get around to linking my site to this fedi profile.

@xianc78 @ryo
Add in about how PC gamers forgot about their anti-DRM crusade or gave up on it when steam won. PC gamer removed the DRM listing for new PC games and Reclaim Your Game shutdown as the new owner admitted nobody cared.

@PhenomX6 @xianc78 @ryo I'll add it to the plans to rewrite parts since the site hasn't been touched since the new year. >But simply put, most gamers just don't care anymore, they just buy up the games they want, even when they know they have issues... How do you fight that? How do you fix that? How do you help with that? How do you help people who just don't care? This is exactly the conclusion I've come to, not just about games, but tech in general. Most people are going to use locked down phones as their primary device soon. Don't try to help the cattle out of their chute, just focus on not getting trampled in the stampede.
@wrongthink @xianc78 @ryo I think worth noting too is why there was the "buy a PC" craze popping up: it was three things. E-celebs shilling it (like Yahtzee, remember him?), TF2 going F2P, and Minecraft. The second one was massive because there was a huge market for TF2 memes at the time and every broke kid who didn't know about piracy (fat Americans who bought into propaganda unironically) would download F2P games.

@PhenomX6 @wrongthink @ryo The rising popularity in gaming channels has also contributed to this because it's simply easier to record let's plays of PC games than console games. And you had a lot of LP-bait games like Slender and Happy Wheels which made people want to try them.

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