Poast, the “escape from big tech stranglehold on public discourse” instance, which strangleholds on public discourse

@ryo I'm also surprised to see that they themselves blocked Disqordia instead of the other way around (btw you should include it in your FALI DB; it's an instance for queer ancoms and they are the most sensitive fuckers out there and they are known for trying to get free speech instances deplatformed).

@xianc78 Seems like it no longer exists.

> If you are looking for the Pleroma server, the provider we were using deleted it without warning. See this post for an explanation of what happened. Sadly, we were not able to backup the accounts or posts or anything. Everything was lost.
@xianc78 By the way, any idea how I can access their about page or TOS or whatever on the Misskey version?
Their instance seems to be half-broken (the 3 dots button doesn't work, and so do none of the images in posts).

@ryo Check their akkoma instance it probably has the same TOS. Misskey is too weird to be usable.

@xianc78 I'll try that then.
Also, spotted 076 SNS on their niggerlist.

> s*c**l.076.n*.jp harassment

Honestly, it's pretty hard to read if they spam wildcard characters in random spots.

@ryo It's to prevent people from going to those sites. (They think it's so bad that nobody should go there) Instance admins usually do that for CP instances.

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@xianc78 That's like babysitting your users.
Why not just warn them however you want, and letting the decision of whether you want to visit or not be each user's own responsibility?

@ryo For CP instances, that's understandable because linking to CP is still illegal in most places.

People censor URLs all the time for shit they don't want other to see. I remember when 8chan was making the news after the various mass shooting linked to it, news outlets would censor the URL which is useless given that you can easily find the site by going to its Wikipedia article (search engines don't work because it's usually blacklisted by them).

@xianc78 What is considered "cheese pizza" in some places is a bit too broad.
Even in a place like USSA it's not illegal to post loli's.
According to one of the RagingGoldenEagle streams I watched a couple months ago, he even said how politicians keep censoring loli's because "cheese pizza", but then the courts dismiss the cases and say "no motherfucker, drawings fall under freedom of expression, so fuck off".

@ryo @xianc78 Iirc the court case over it didn't change the definition, it's still legally CP it's just acceptable CP

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