RT @wmiddelkoop
It’s Official

WEF explains:

COVID lockdowns, social distancing, contact tracing was a "test" to see if we will accept the "social responsibility" of "tracking personal carbon emissions" weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/my-

@mcread Meanwhile the entire world population:
Lockdowns: received epic backlash in places where it happened.
Soycialist distancing: nobody ever cared unless forced against people's will.
Contract tracing: seriously, who even participated in this experiment that has failed from day one already!?

So test has clearly failed.

@ryo @mcread There were people still hanging out in parks in my area even back during "stay at home unless you absolutely have to" orders. There was even a bicycle tournament at that time. Seriously, nobody gave a fuck. People only wore masks later on because those were enforced, but other than that nobody really gave a shit.

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@xianc78 @mcread Masks were never enforced here, but 99% still wore them simply because they've already been normalized decades ago.
The only real change I noticed was that people were using alcohol sprays all the time and they still do, but then again most people here have already been over the top paranoid towards viruses (that don't exist), germs, bacteria, and so on long before the scamdemic.

@ryo @mcread I was still working in fast food when the scamdemic first happened. I was actually the first to wear one only because that way I could get away with not smiling at customers. I actually didn't mind the mask for the most part even if it's just a placebo, but everyone started making it a virtue signaling symbol by wearing them in their profile pics and people ended up making it a fashion statement and I got fucking sick of it.

There were also people who were wearing gloves and even goggles but that quickly died out. Thank God.

@ryo @xianc78 @mcread thrift stores near me flooded with places taking tax write-offs for hand sanitizer made from 2020-2021 and "expiring" soon.
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