Oh, apparently I'm not the only one shadowbanned from Poast, so is @PhenomX6 .
@bronze @PhenomX6 It's pretty common for "free speech" controlled opposition puppets to censor you.

@ryo @PhenomX6 @bronze At this point, I assume any /pol/-tard echo chamber is a potential honeypot, given how the elites benefit from the culture war.

@xianc78 @ryo @bronze well graf has the whole issue Josh did in the sense that he has a problem with having a hair trigger. P moreso. I wouldn't even be shocked at this point.
@xianc78 @bronze @ryo I bet you it's because I've been using outpoast more at @pawlicker. Graf is literally delusional and thinks that it's some attempt to steal his userbase.

I've also found out that because of my single user home hosting experiment my home address somehow ip blackholed from FSE. Just like canceldon instances I'm given zero reason why not was I told whatsoever.

@PhenomX6 @pawlicker @bronze @ryo I'd assume that it was because graf had his face and real name revealed (I don't consider that a dox; to me that includes a home address) so he started shadow banning anyone who has posted his real name/face or says that it's out there.

I've noticed that Poast blocked Outpoast. I don't know the whole backstory of Outpoast. I thought it was created after some Poast related drama. They claim that the admin is a pedo, but apparently that has been debunked.

@xianc78 @pawlicker @bronze @ryo so the backstory is outpo.st was taken so he thought let's do poast instead and graf got mad because he owns the copyright to that.
@xianc78 @pawlicker @bronze @ryo yeah so there's some new poast drama brewing it seems which is yet another reason I didn't make an account there
Just ask them how much monero it'll cost to have you unbanned and unblackholed. Simple as that. Just like email
@PhenomX6 @xianc78 @pawlicker @ryo federation issues are always a little weird to deal with. My last VPS provider was in a datacenter that blocked frantech IPs so I couldn't federate with bae.st or chudbuds.lol. It might be the case here too where that might be the issue and there's so many middlemen to go through to figure out who's at fault.
@bronze @xianc78 @pawlicker @ryo Definitely, at least Graf will tell you when he's blocking instances it seems.
@xianc78 @PhenomX6 @pawlicker @bronze Well I never even said anything about Graf before, I don't even care to begin with.
Yet I'm shadowbanned by him...
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