Today has quite a lot of similarities with WWII, just the countries got swapped around.
Back then the whole world sanctioned Germany to death, today the whole world cancels Roshan out of existance.
Back then Germany went its own way, today Roshan goes its own way.
Back then Japan went down a similar route as Germany, today CHAINA!! goes down a similar route as Roshan.

And it's only a matter of time before the Eww starts invading Roshan and terror bombing it all to dust, throwing fire bombs all over CHAINA!!, and then drop nukes on 2 major Chinese cities.

@ryo My prediction is that this war will end with an actual one world government (one that's actually visible to the public) just like how WWII ended with the creation of the UN. Seriously, every major world event ends with calls for more globalism. As if they were planned to be that way.

@xianc78 Also, WWI created passports and the league of nations, which got disbanded when the UN got set up.

@ryo Apparently, the shadow elites have been planning wars since the Napoleon era, but I'm no history buff so I can't verify them.

I think the American Civil War was planned or at least had some shadow elites taking advantage of it given all the conspiracies behind Lincoln's assassination. If that's true, then that should be a wake-up call for those thinking that a second civil war would save us.

> those thinking that a second civil war would save us.

I guess it depends on who the "savior" is going to be.
Because while they already have their "savior" ready to be deployed, it's actually possible for regular people to seize that opportunity away from them if awakened before it's too late.

@ryo I used to believe that the states could secede from the union and give us a place to escape the NWO but even state governments are on board with Agenda 21/30.

@xianc78 I mean regular regular people, not governments pretending to be regular people.
@xianc78 @ryo im not wathcing that bc i dont want to end up on another watchlist but i hope it mentions how the lusitania was a legitimate war tagregt becuase those gayops about "muh no military value"keep coming back
@SneedVicious @xianc78 Most of us already are on the watchlist, so it's not like it matters anyway.
And depending on how effective they are at tracking people down on that list, it might be a good idea to make them spam-add as many people as possible so it becomes literally impossible to watch us all.
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