Generation Alpha isn't going to believe us when we tell them how fucking weird the 2016 US presidential election was.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad They're not going to believe that it was pretty much the point of no return either

@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad And you statist will never believe that (s)elections are all rigged to begin with.

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@xianc78 @coolboymew I know that all elections are rigged, and the media lies about it. I'm not a cuckservative who thinks Qanon will start executing tyrants in 2 weeks.
I really want Kanye to run on the Democratic ticket (he's a democrat: racist, talks about "his truth," has a dead name) and I want the dems to fuck up so bad that he ends up winning the primary .. I want Kayne vs Trump 2024 :agummypopcorn: ... either choice is terrible and literally better than what we have right now
@djsumdog @xianc78 @coolboymew @mrsaturday on the debate stage, he better wear another stupid outfit, swing a net around, and say "Joe Biden doesn't care about black people"

@fascinating_bastard @djsumdog @coolboymew @mrsaturday @noyoushutthefuckupdad That's not the point. Pay attention to the numbers. Learn Gematria and you will realize that all major world events are planned out by the Jesuits.

It's not about "The Jews" ... Kanye is still a handled/controlled man and his actions (even if some of them are on his own/off the rails people want him to follow) will be used by big media as a means of shutting down any opposition. It's part of the war on dissent. I wrote this a few weeks back:
@djsumdog @xianc78 @coolboymew @mrsaturday @noyoushutthefuckupdad I agree, but I'm also realistic; what I think is much more likely is the following:
> Biden steps down some time later this year, probobly mid-way through so the Dems have time to put together another candidate because not even they're stupid enough to run Harris.
> Trump is kept out of the primary by a combination of Rinos and opportunistic former Trumpers, they run someone like DeSantis.
> Trump runs as an independent, partially out of spite because he knows it'll split the vote and insure a D victory.
> Corporate Dem is elected, probobly Newsom or Boot Edge Edge; what plays out will be, in all but name, Biden's second (and possibly third) term.

:pooh: :McDonalds1:
huh ... you know, honestly the corruption is so bad right now, who the fuck knows what will happen in 2024. Arizona obviously no longer has legitimate elections at all. I'm not sure how inline DeSantis is .. he is opposing jab narrative for now, but there is a good chance if he gets in, he'd go along with starting some new wars. I don't think he's as much a hard liner as Trump. At the same time, Trump is still not backing down from the jabs as they're killing more and more people.

But I think you're right in general. The established bastards are not taking any chances in the upcoming primaries. They want candidates that will stay in line. The only real hope America ever had in the past was the stolen election for JFK ... and he turned out to not be corrupt enough so his own CIA killed him and blamed it on some poor bastard ... really he was the last guy before Trump that really gave a damn about Americans.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @xianc78 @coolboymew reminder that trump is on the epstein flightlogs and got nothing done in office
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