Generation Alpha isn't going to believe us when we tell them how fucking weird the 2016 US presidential election was.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad They're not going to believe that it was pretty much the point of no return either

@coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad And you statist will never believe that (s)elections are all rigged to begin with.

@xianc78 @coolboymew I know that all elections are rigged, and the media lies about it. I'm not a cuckservative who thinks Qanon will start executing tyrants in 2 weeks.
I really want Kanye to run on the Democratic ticket (he's a democrat: racist, talks about "his truth," has a dead name) and I want the dems to fuck up so bad that he ends up winning the primary .. I want Kayne vs Trump 2024 :agummypopcorn: ... either choice is terrible and literally better than what we have right now
@djsumdog @xianc78 @coolboymew @mrsaturday on the debate stage, he better wear another stupid outfit, swing a net around, and say "Joe Biden doesn't care about black people"

@fascinating_bastard @djsumdog @coolboymew @mrsaturday @noyoushutthefuckupdad That's not the point. Pay attention to the numbers. Learn Gematria and you will realize that all major world events are planned out by the Jesuits.

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It's not about "The Jews" ... Kanye is still a handled/controlled man and his actions (even if some of them are on his own/off the rails people want him to follow) will be used by big media as a means of shutting down any opposition. It's part of the war on dissent. I wrote this a few weeks back:
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