@pawlicker @splitshockvirus @lanodan @Moon ExxonMobil is owned by the Rockerfellers who were big into eugenics. The climate narrative leads to the overpopulation narrative which leads to population control (aka rebranded eugenics).
James Corbett has talked about this subject in detail.
If the same people advocated the construction nuclear power plants, I honestly would not have a problem with people blockading highways and city streets.
If climate change is unironically an existential threat then the solution could have been built 60 years ago, and could be built now in 1-2 decades. After which you can take all the time you need to build a renewable future with whatever fancy Unobtainium battery you want. But i'm more convinced we will see a profitable fusion reactor before the world moves to renewables both of which are unlikely.
tl;dr I'm doing more for the environment by running you over with my f-150 than you are by building your pin wheel power plants.
@shaunh @splitshockvirus @lanodan @Moon Wind mill farms will be great places to gather meat when they start forcing us to eat the bugs.
There have been recent innovations but beyond just being able to be able to produce positive energy output you need to make sure the operation and construction is economical.
But I agree the research, design, material science and engineering is fascinating. I would must rather an advanced civilization powered by our own artifical sun than have to rely on the natural sunlight and the heat it generates.
If future energy generation does not progress past Solar and Wind (including organic fuels) I will be very disappointed. I don't want to live in a world powered by wind mills.