
The dungeon crawler project got too complex, so I decided to abandon it for now. I decided to make a clone of one of my all time favorite arcade games, Spy Hunter.


Added a scrolling camera. The car seems to be moving faster after dying because it stopped moving and there is no background to show it.


Camera now moves based on the position of the player's car in relation to the screen. The further it is from the bottom, the faster the camera and the car moves, just like in the original Spy Hunter.


Got tiles.


The player now dies if the car goes off-road.


Fixed it so that it dies when the center point crosses a non-road tile. Looks more natural that way.


Spiked Car now shoots spikes when in line of sight of the player.


Added a limo.


Added land mines. I plan on having these as a power up. No explosion animation, yet.


Added explosions. Explosions are their own objects.


Explosions also happen when enemy cars run over mines.


Added civilian cars. They are supposed to make you lose points if you kill them, but I haven't made the score visible yet.


You can now knock cars off the road.


Added a bumper car. You can't shoot it, only bump it off the road.


I think I solved the problems with car physics and collision which is to keep track of the car's position of the previous frame. Up until now, I've been using an object's velocity to handle directional collisions.


Got the bumper car behavior implemented. Will need to fix it. The car doesn't retract after bumping.


Finally fixed the collision detection (at least I hope). Turns out that recording the positions of the previous frame does actually work.


Added missiles. Can blow up any car.


Added desert tiles.


Added power-ups which are stored in wooden-crates. Right now, mines and missiles are stored in crates.


Mines and missiles have limited ammo now. I've also added a HUD. It's just text and it uses a TTF rather than a bitmap font. Bitmap fonts seem to be difficult in SFML. Supposedly, vertex arrays solve this problem but I haven't tried them yet.


I realized that you can have outlines in TTF text, so no need for bitmap fonts.


And yes, I also added tree tiles.


Updated the hud. Now, it displays which power up you have along with the ammo.


Added lives to the HUD. Now it's actually starting to look like a game.



Added a title screen, which is just black right now.


Limo now shoots.


Added a second level. It's just a desert version of the first one, but that's because I'm testing support for multiple levels.


Added animated tiles (water).


Added sound effects.


Added a level start screen.


Added a Game Over screen. Technically, it's been here for a while, but it was just red with no text.


Added a level timer. I set it to 20 seconds just for debugging purposes. I probably plan on setting it to something like 400 seconds.


Remaining time now gives you a bonus at the end of each level.

(EAR RAPE WARNING!!! I did not expect the sound to be this bad when repeating so frequently!)


Added a menu. It's not centered yet.


Centered the menu.


Started to create a level editor for the game. All it can do right now is convert grass tiles to water on a blank (all grass) map.


Surprisingly, development is going along fast. I think it's because there are no boss fights this time (I can't think how a Spy Hunter clone can have boss fights). The car physics is the only true challenge.


Level editor now supports all tile images which can be switched using the keyboard.


Editor can now place objects (only the civilian cars at the moment) and can mark tiles as drivable (marked in red). I've also included a HUD on the right that currently only displays the current tile.


Editor can now place objects other than the civilian cars. A camera has also now been implemented in the editor.


Huge update to the level editor. Both saving and loading have been implemented along with a simple menu for selecting the level you want to edit. I've also added the power-up crates to the editor. Now it is actually usable.


Actually creating levels now.


Work a lot on the level editor. I've added edge tiles, but this caused a problem with the level format because the number of tiles is now in the double digits and I was using two digits in the tile maps. The first determined if the tile was drivable or not and the second was the index of each tile. I had to make the tile maps triple digits now because of that.


I've also allowed the changing of the x coordinate where the player character starts.

Not pictured, but I'm also working on an additional enemy. This one lays mines if the player is behind it.


Added the mine car. It lays mines when the player is behind it.

If you noticed the lag. The game lags when there are too many cars onscreen. I don't know why. It's a 2D written in C++. I normally create levels where there aren't that many cars at once.

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re: gamedev 

@coolboymew Yes. I thought about doing another shmup, but I didn't want it to be about spaceships or planes this time, and I know next to nothing about "magical anime fairy/witch type shmups", so I went with the Spy Hunter route. The challenging part is dealing with car physics. Namely, bumping into other cars.

re: gamedev 

@xianc78 I love Spy Hunter. I had it on my Apple //c in the 80s.

re: gamedev 

@Rocket As a kid, I would play the flash version all the time on Midway's website.

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