Come to think of it, bullshit like Code of Conduct (pronounced as "cock", not "sea oh sea"), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (pronounced "die", not "dee ai ee") are really designed to destroy the FLOSS community as a whole.

To be fair, good developers are oftentimes rather assholes.
In both cases they're trying to force those developers to walk on egg shells.
What instead happens is that all the good developers leave, maybe some who are cucked will stay a little longer, but it's a matter of time before either they leave or get cancelled.
Meanwhile, whoever has taken over the projects will invite total nitwits into those projects who have no idea how to code, and only join for bragging reasons, and eventually the projects just collapse.

This is why I'm so against Codes of Conduct (or Code of Conducts, or whatever the plural form is, no need to tell me, I don't care).
Some people simply ignore CoCs and use it anyway, but I think it's better to outright boycot projects that have a CoC, and just make your own instead.
Before you know it, the project gets abandoned, and you'll be left helpless.
@ryo Fork and remove the CoC. If they bitch about it, rightfully accuse them of being against Free Software.

@caekislove @ryo Speaking of forking, @matrix needs to remove the CoC from his Mastodon fork (after getting it off of GitHub).

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