My job at the anarchist commune is to stand at the gate and deny entry to people who think that making video essays is a valid job at the anarchist commune

@vriska Yeah I get it. We are the real anarchists and you are a closeted tankie.


@vriska @xianc78
An ancap walks into a bar. The bartender says: sorry we don't serve alcohol to minors. :laugh-about-it:

@dushman @vriska Gaelic Ireland, the Iceland Commonwealth, Bronze Age India, and The American Wild West are examples of historical societies that were basically anarcho-capitalist. Some have even lasted longer than the US.

@xianc78 @vriska
>societies that were basically anarcho-capitalist

Literally how?
@vriska @xianc78
They lived under completely different material conditions than we do. No industry, much smaller population, no banking, no stock market, so on.

@dushman @vriska And you think anarcho-communism (or any other form of left-anarchism) would be any different?

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