My job at the anarchist commune is to stand at the gate and deny entry to people who think that making video essays is a valid job at the anarchist commune

@vriska Yeah I get it. We are the real anarchists and you are a closeted tankie.


@vriska @xianc78
An ancap walks into a bar. The bartender says: sorry we don't serve alcohol to minors. :laugh-about-it:

@dushman @vriska Gaelic Ireland, the Iceland Commonwealth, Bronze Age India, and The American Wild West are examples of historical societies that were basically anarcho-capitalist. Some have even lasted longer than the US.

@xianc78 @vriska
>societies that were basically anarcho-capitalist

Literally how?

@dushman @vriska Capitalism as in the voluntary exchange of goods and services. These societies were stateless with some even having privatized courts and security (in the case of Ireland and Iceland). Bronze Age India had large cities with infrastructure funded by merchants. The towns in the American Old West were built on private infrastructure, including the security.

@xianc78 @vriska
>Capitalism as in the voluntary exchange of goods and services
That's a bit reductive and doesn't really encompass other fundamentals it rests upon

@dushman @vriska @nyx As I have already demonstrated, history proves otherwise.

@xianc78 @vriska @nyx
Some guy trading camels during the bronze age isn't the same as a modern transnational corporation. You're talking about wildly different material conditions here.
@xianc78 @nyx @vriska
Also the American West was still under government control, what are you on about?
@dushman @xianc78 @vriska the so-called United States also only ever had a west to expand to by stealing land from indigenous peoples and then genociding them. but lolbertardians are totally not unprincipled ideologue kleptocrats. muh NAP!!
@nyx @xianc78 @vriska
True that also. What about the "NAP" of the natives whose lands got conquered?

@dushman @vriska @nyx I do opposed that. Not every single colonial town was founded on stolen land. Native American tribes were spread out. The ones that weren't found on stolen land didn't violate the NAP.

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